Treasuring the Local Building History as We Prepare To Open a Physical Store In New Buffalo Michigan

When we decided to open the retail store in our New Buffalo building, we were inspired by the building’s rich history.

The former telephone building at 105 West Merchant building has been around for many years and has an interesting past...

The former building owner, Michigan Bell, opened a switching system in New Buffalo and they employed many local operators. The operators heard many stories and were “connected” to the latest news without social media; they heard of local favorite romantic hideaways as well as many other stories that can be told in novels. 

Although the manual telephone switching system is forgotten and our building is completely renovated, we want this story to continue in the heart of New Buffalo; especially since many locals recall a relative or neighbor who worked as a telephone operator. We value the beauty and authenticity of this special property and even included the word, “Connection” to our business name to express gratitude for being part of this prestigious historic treasure in New Buffalo, Michigan. 

Well building connection to open in new buffalo